Sudoku Classic
Sudoku Classic

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Sudoku Classic

Famobi9.2(12 votes)

Sudoku Classic is a perfect choice for fans of logical challenges. Players solve traditional sudoku on a 9x9 board, filling it with numbers from 1 to 9. Each column, row, and 3x3 block can contain a number only once, requiring careful planning and analysis. The game offers different difficulty levels: easy, medium, and advanced, allowing players to tailor the experience to their skills.

How to play Sudoku Classic?

Click a number and then select the appropriate spot on the board to place it. You can use the pencil feature to write temporary helper numbers. For players seeking assistance, there is a wand option that automatically fills in the correct number, but using it results in a time penalty. Double-clicking removes all numbers from the selected cell, which is helpful for correcting mistakes.